• 01608 684835
  • Bloxham Nursery (Bloxham)
  • Wyatts (Great Rollright)

Bedding Plants

We currently have a large stock of bedding plants available. These have all been grown by us from small plugs and are all looking wonderful.

Plant your containers with fresh compost (there are specialist composts in our stock with extra feed and retaining gel).  

For hanging baskets we suggest going for more trailing plants. For containers, more compact, spreading plants look really good but it does depend on the effect you want.  A group of small, varied pots look wonderful each planted with a variety of plants in complementary colours. A hanging basket can look great with just one type of plant. Always remember to water your displays every day and feed regularly with a feed like tomato feed or a feed with seaweed extract. 

Ideally you need a centre plant which gives height to your display. You could consider some of the following. It is a good idea to read max height on label as some would not be suitable for small container. Designer or Fantasia Geranium, Upright Fuschias (esp if sight shady), Nemesia, Argyranthemums, Non stop Begonias, Heliotrope, Isotoma. 

Around your plant you could consider Semi trailing or mounding plants - Bidens, Brachysome, Diascia, Gypsophila, Some Petunias, Some Verbena, Impatiens.

Next consider some trailing plants which will cascade over the edges - Bacopa, Calibrachoa, Helichrysum, Some Lobelias, Nepeta, Some Petunias, Some Verbenas, Mimulus.

If you have big containers and want to make a special display consider - Ivy Leaf geraniums, Trailing Begonias, Ornamental Millet, Osteospermums, Antirrhinums, Cosmos, Dahlias.

Many Plants mentioned above may be planted in borders as well as - Ornamental Millet, Salvias, Dahlias, Cosmos and many more. 

If you need plants that cope with shade try the following- Bacopa, Begonias, Diascia, Fuschias, Impatiens, Nicotiana, Napeta, Mimulus.

Happy Gardening from all at Wyatts. 

Advice and Support

Wyatts’ trained and friendly staff are the key to ensuring success in producing healthy plants. Providing good advice and support to our customers is important to us and Di, the Nursery Manager, and John can advise on types of plants and their positioning and care. Specific plants or trees can be ordered for you, if necessary.

Garden Design

If you are looking for help with garden design, we can provide you with ideas and planting plans for your garden or patio – or for just a bed or border.